
Easy Way to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 for free

upgrade from Windows 7

Easy Way to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 for free

A new license for Windows 10 costs £34.99, bought directly from the Microsoft website. However, it might be possible for you to upgrade your computer for free. Follow our step-by-step guide to installing Windows 10 on your Windows 7 PC

If you’re still using Windows 7, it’s time to upgrade: after a decade of support, Microsoft is ending support for Windows 7.

Microsoft is aiming to move all Windows users on to Windows 10, which is the ‘final version’: there won’t be a Windows 11; instead, Microsoft will put out feature updates twice a year and regular security updates. So long as you keep your computer up-to-date, your Windows 10 will always be supported.

In a recent survey of 1,013 Which? Members, we found that 13% were still using Windows 7 on their main computer, while some 30% of people worldwide were still using Windows 7.

Not everyone will be able to upgrade for free, but here’s how to check and proceed.

What to do first

For the best chance of getting a free upgrade, your current version of Windows 7 must be legal and activated with Microsoft. Check this using Control Panel from the Start Menu, clicking on System and Security, and then System. At the bottom, it will say if the license is activated. You’ll need to be on Windows 7 Service Pack 1 – if your PC is up to date, this should already be the case. Check your PC exceeds the minimum requirements on Microsoft’s website

Windows 7 Configaration

Agree to the terms and conditions

You now need to get the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool. Head to the Windows 10 download page and select the Download tool now. Once the file’s downloaded, please open it and agree to the various required terms and conditions. Select Upgrade this PC now when given a choice. If you don’t have enough space on your hard disk, you might need to free up space and run the installation from a USB stick. The setup will guide you through this.

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Keep files or start afresh?

You will be given an option as to whether you want to keep your files and programs or start afresh with none of your programs and files. The latter option is better for starting with a clean operating system, and if you have backed up your files, you’ll be able to move the files and programs you need back onto your computer as and when you need them. But keeping everything is arguably simpler and avoids possible issues if you’ve lost the license keys for some of the software you’re running on Windows 7.

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Final steps

Sit back and let the upgrade happen. It Generally takes a few moments, depending on your PC and internet connection speed. Your PC will restart itself a few times, but eventually, you’ll see the welcome screen for Windows 10. You’ll need to make choices about some privacy arrangements and sign in to your Microsoft account if you have one. Then search for ‘activation’ in the Start Menu and click on it to see whether your Windows 10 license is activated. If your Windows isn’t activated, you’ll need to buy a license.

windows 7 Step 4

Want some more help with upgrading from Windows 7? Our friendly tech team can help you with one-to-one support on various tech issues. Find out more here.

Your questions answered

Why is Microsoft stopping support for Windows 7?

After launching new versions of Windows, Microsoft runs a period of ‘extended support,’ bringing both feature updates and vital security protections against malware. You typically get more than 10 years of support for Windows editions, but with cybercriminals so keen to target Windows users, it’s important to move on when support ends.

Do I have to buy a new computer?

No, not necessarily. Check the Microsoft website to see if your existing computer can handle Windows 10. If not, you’ll need to look at upgrade options. If you’re truly wedded to your old PC (some 1% and 2% of members, respectively, still use the creaking Windows Vista OS and Windows XP OS), you should ensure it isn’t connected to the internet and be careful what files you access via a USB stick. 

If you decide to buy a new laptop, head over to our latest reviews.

How do you move files and software?

Before installing a new system or any system, the first thing you should do is to backup your data. You may need to reinstall certain programs following the upgrade of your system, so take an outline of your program keys for software like Office.

What happens to my printer? Will other devices function if I upgrade my computer to Windows 10?

This is contingent on the condition of your scanner, printer or other equipment. The makers strive to keep their drivers up-to-date with the most current version of Windows However, any modification could result in your older model not working.

no longer functioning. Go to the official website of the manufacturer of the device you’re using to determine what information is available prior to update your system.

What alternative do I have to Windows?

Could you join the 18% of Which? Members who own an Apple Mac. However, Macs tend to be pricey, so you might want to consider a Chromebook instead. These laptops run Google’s Chrome OS, which is more stripped back and simplified than Windows but runs well on cheap machines. Some 1% of members use the Linux OS, which is more compatible with older hardware but isn’t suited to novice computer users.

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